Skin Allergy
Skin allergies can be very annoying and bothersome. While all the conditions leading to skin allergy cause red, itchy skin, there are a number of differences in the causes as well as treatments and side effects. What Are Skin Allergies? Skin allergies are one of the many different skin conditions that may impact you. At a basic level, skin allergies are an allergic reaction to a normally harmless substance. Your immune system normally fights a foreign substance and removes it from your body. When the immune system sees a substance as foreign and reacts, you can develop an allergic skin rash. When your body interacts with one of the triggers mentioned below, you develop a reaction to the trigger that most others do not and you end up with symptoms. Common Signs & Symptoms of Skin Allergy When you experience a skin allergy, you might experience a combination of the following: rash itching redness swelling raised bumps scaling or f...